Hawke's Bay Chess Incorporated
Simultaneous Rules
The exhibitor makes the rules. But for the club simul 2010 Chris had the following rules.
- The more people I have to play the harder it is for me to win every game. So the more players the better.
- Players do not need to record the moves, but recorded moves are important if you claim a draw according to Artical 9.2 or 9.3. Also if you win you will wish you had a record of your game.
- I will be White in every game, so you will play Black.
- You have to wait until I get to your board, then make your move straight away (so that you are not holding up the fast running of the simultaneous).
- Clocks will be placed on last three games running (I have 15 min. to your 5 min.), which also changes the waiting rule above.
- You are allowed two passes.
Results 2024
28 August
Dion Wilson played 9 players. with a score of 7.
The two players to win against Dion.
- Chris Smith
- Timothy Doyle
Other players
- Michael Earle
- Ryan Alder
- Hazel
- Philip Lower
- Alexis Jijo
- Ethan du Toit
- Jasreman Singh
This event took about 35 minutes.
26 June
Dion Wilson played 10 junior players. Won all games, so a score of 10.
The players
- Paora Peeti
- Ryan Alder
- Timothy Doyle
- Nixon Bredin
- Ethan du Toit
- Alfie Jones
- Jasper Jones
- Francis Whata
- Kauri Hawkins
- Kotahi Apiata
Results 2023
30 August
Matthew Ashton played 11 players, with a score of 5½.
The 4 players to win against Matthew.
- Ben Firestone
- Ariel Padhu
- Dion Wilson
- Philip Lower
The three players to get a draw
- Ethan du Toit
- Paul Morten
- David Prebble
Other players
- Rayyan Hafiji
- Rayden Tawhiao
- Walter Bennett
- Ryan Alder
This event took 1¾ hours.
25 January
GM Samy Shoker played 20 players, with a score of 19.
The two players to get a draw
- Chris Smith
- Matthew Ashton
Other players
- Briene Membrere
- Paul Morten
- William Duncan
- Ben Firestone
- Ariel Padhu
- Jeevanjot Singh
- Wayne McLean
- Lucas Krzywdzinski
- David Prebble
- Aaron Percival
- Sundeia Lomberg
- Tarun Paul
- Alfie Jones
- Lincoln Mackie
- Abigail Rowe
- Caleb Muntz
- Corvin Douglas
- Ilya Sorkin
This event took 1¾ hours.
Results 2022
31 August
Briene Membrere played 14 players, with a score of 7½.
The 6 players to win against Briene.
- Ariel Padhu
- Tapas Kant
- Asher Riley
- Caleb Muntz
- Wayne McLean
- David Prebble
The one player to get a draw
Other players
- Daniel Wiley
- Lockie Moriarity
- Jasper Jones
- Saxon Williams
- Lucas Krzywdzinski
- Lincoln Mackie
- Corvin Douglas
Results 2020
30 September
Chris Smith played 14 players, with a score of 12½.
Only player to win against Chris.
The one player to get a draw
Other players
- David Smith
- Derek Morrison
- Caleb Muntz
- Amanjot Singh
- Alfie Jones
- Singh
- Nora Burrows
- Jeevanjot Singh
- Jerome Keepa
- Benjamin Sherning
- Aaron Percival
- William Drysdale
This event took 3 hours
Results 2019
23 October
Rodger Neal played 13 players, achieving 7 wins, three draws.
The three players to win against Rodger.
- Brent Cooze
- Philip Lower
- William Duncan
The three players to get a draw
- Andrew Wright
- Tapas Kant
- Caleb Muntz
Other players
- Derek Morrison
- Angus Potter
- Tarun Paul
- Stewart Hyslop
- Roark Zachary
- Felix Bromhead
- William Bathgate
4 September
Chris Smith played 15 players, 3 lost and 12 wins.
The three players to win against Chris.
- Romulo Nunes
- William Duncan
- Derek Morrison
Other players
- Rodger Neal
- Philip Lower
- Benjamin Sherning
- Roark Zachary
- Wyntah Green-Thom
- Angus Potter
- Tarun Paul
- Sarah Terry
- William Drysdale
- Demitri Thompson
- Tapas Kant
- William Bathgate
Results 2018
21 November
Rodger Neal played 10 players, achieving two wins, two draws.
The six players to win against Rodger.
- Chris Smith
- Brent Cooze
- Steven Wentworth AUS (fide 1728)
- Michael Earle
- Brian Reeder
- Finley Duncan
The two players to get a draw
- William Duncan
- Kurt Bickerstaff
Other players
12 September
Chris Smith played 16 players, 4 lost and 12 wins.
The four players to win against Chris.
- Ross McKerras
- Brent Cooze
- George Kimber
- Benjamin Sherning
Other players
- Michael Earle
- Philip Lower
- Brian Reeder
- Alan Berry
- Derek Morrison
- William Duncan
- Kurt Bickerstaff
- John Gilbert
- David Smith
- Stewart Hyslop
- Jeremy
- Tobey
Results 2017
22 November
Rodger Neal played 14 players, achieving 7 wins, two draws.
The five players to win against Rodger.
- Chris Smith
- Brent Cooze
- Michael Earle
- Romulo Nunes
- Philip Lower
The two players to get a draw
- Finley Duncan
- William Duncan
Other players
- Derek Morrison
- John Gilbert
- Stewart Hyslop
- David Smith
- Jimmy Logan
- Duncan Logan
- Richie
13 September
Chris Smith played 14 players, achieving 12 wins and conceding two draws with Rodger Neal and George Kimber.
The two players to get a draw
- Rodger Neal
- George Kimber
Other players
- Charlie
- Jerome Keepa
- John Gilbert
- Brian Reeder
- David Smith
- Stewart Hyslop
- Michael Earle
- Zack Caton
- Cody Caton
- Roark Zachary
- William Duncan
- Harry Brenton-Rule
This event took just over 1½ hours.
Results 2016
23 November
Congratulations to Rodger for a most successful Simultaneous last week. He won 14, drew 2 and lost one! The winner was Brian Reeder with Angus and Finley drawing their games.
I had a chat with Rodger the following day and he could remember the moves of every game!!!!!
I find that amazing.
Only player to win against Rodger
The two players to draw against Rodger
Other players
- Derek Morrison
- Cody Caton
- Amber-Rose Stinton
- Z'Arn Payne
- Roark Zachary
- William Duncan
- Carmelyn Payne
- Zack Caton
- Harry Brenton-Rule
- Tierlina Payne
- Michael Earle
- Benjamin Sherning
- Brent Cooze
- Stewart Hyslop
14 September
Chris Smith played 14 players, achieving 13 wins and conceding one draw with Rodger Neal.
The only player to draw against Chris
Other players
- Angus Ross
- Carmelyn Payne
- Finley Duncan
- William Duncan
- Z'Arn Payne
- Derek Morrison
- David Smith
- Stewart Hyslop
- Michael Earle
- Philip Lower
- Zack Caton
- Brian Reeder
- John Gilbert
This event took 2¼ hours
Results 2015
25 November
Lost two, drew two and won 11.
The two players to win against Chris
The two players to get a draw
Other players
- Stewart Hyslop
- Benjamin Sherning
- Derek Morrison
- Rodger Neal
- Brian Reeder
- Harry Brenton-Rule
- Riley Lambess
- John Gilbert
- Lisa Clare
- Cassius Solomon
- Angus Ross
Results 2014
17 September
Congratulations to Chris for his Simultaneous performance. Lost one, drew one, won 12!!! the speed he plays at is remarkable and makes it a very interesting evening.
The only player to win against Chris
The player who got a draw
Other players
- Brent Cooze
- Bailey Sadlier
- Timo Nobel
- Charlie Li
- Jonathan Carr
- Calvin Herbert
- Jesse Colquhoun
- David Smith
- Jake Bolton
- John Gilbert
- Stewart Hyslop
- Ethan Every
Rodger Neal played 12 games in the club simultaneous on the 26th of November, with a score of 6½.
The five players to get a win
- Chris Smith
- Brent Cooze
- Brian Reeder
- Jerome
- Jim
The player who got a draw
Other players
- John Gilbert
- Timo Nobel
- Derek Morrison
- Benjamin Sherning
- David Smith
- Stewart Hyslop
Results 2013
Rodger Neal played 17 games in the club simultaneous on the 11th of September, with a score of 11½.
The four players to get a win
- Brent Cooze
- Hamish Lee
- Ryan Baker
- John Gilbert
The one player to get a draw
Other players
- Brian Reeder
- Ali Every
- Alan Berry
- David Smith
- Stewart Hyslop
- Dane Skogstad
- Abhijit Hothi
- Connor Grant
- Finley Duncan
- Ethan Every
- William Duncan
- Karavir Sandu
Results 2012
28 November 2012
Simul Congratulations to Chris who played eighteen opponents at the same time and won 16 with one loss (to Brent) and one draw (to George). Well done also to Brent and George.
12 September 2012
Simultaneous Chess Match with Magnus Macfarlane in the middle
Results 2011
Chris Smith played 14 games in the club simultaneous on the 14th of September 2011, with a score of 11½.
The only player to win against Chris
The three players to get a draw
- Murray Stewart
- Brian Reeder
- George Kimber
Other players
- Justin Reich
- Brian Berryman
- Tobias Kuhlmann
- Stewart Hyslop
- Hamish Muir
- Calvin Herbert
- Liam Millar
- Douglas Muir
- Allan Edwards
- Johanna Palmers
Results 2010
Chris Smith played 16 games in the club simultaneous on the 10th of November 2010, with a score of 14½.
The three players to get a draw
- Tobias Kuhlmann
- Nicholas Jacobs
- Brent Cooze
Other players
- Liam Millar
- Stewart Hyslop
- Elzivor Brown
- Douglas Muir
- Logan Sanko
- David Leyser
- Tohu Schinkel
- Andrew de Lautour
- Jake Jacobs
- Justin Reichs
- Hanwen Zhu
- David Smith
- Nigel Cadman
This event took 2½ hours.
Old Results
Chris Smith won all 18 games in the club simultaneous on the 4th of November 2009.
Simultaneous 1994
Simultaneous 1989